My Recent Activities
This week was a Yuba Water Agency board meeting. The agenda was light and included an overview of Agency Administration functions. Later that morning, I had a Yuba Water POD Committee Meeting, where we approved grants and loans for up to $5.4 million under the Community Impact Grant and Loan Program. Additional board and committee meetings on my calendar last week included the Northern California Water Association (NCWA), Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) Land Use and Natural Resources (LUNR) Committee, and Yuba-Sutter Economic Development Corporation (YSEDC). I also attended a SACOG presentation on Bikeshare and Innovative Mobility in the Sacramento Region and a Yuba-Sutter Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee.
I also had multiple community-related events on my calendar, including an event at North Yuba Water District (NYWD) celebrating the May 1st release of irrigation water, the National Day of Prayer Breakfast, the LEAD Yuba Sutter Dinner, and Dinner in the Orchard. I’m honored to sponsor both Wheatland Little League and Plumas Lake Little League, and I watched the Wheatland Hatch take on the Plumas Lake Braves. In addition, I had lunch with William Franco (commander of the Veterans Affiliated Council), stopped by First 5 Yuba to take my picture with the Blue Dot to spread awareness about maternal mental health, and stopped by the Hanger Food Truck Park at the Yuba County airport for their Cinco de Mayo celebration.
Looking ahead to this week
This week is a Yuba County Board of Supervisors meeting, and I’ll be attending remotely as I’ll be out of town at a conference. A few key items from the agenda include amending Plumas Lake Specific Plan to require a conditional use permit for gas stations and truck terminals/yards, amending Chapter 7.42 of the Yuba County Ordinance Code relating to the cultivation of industrial hemp, awarding a contract for the 2023 Overlay Project which includes multiple roads in the Arboga area, and an agreement with Jacobs for professional electrical engineering and consulting services for the Yuba County Electric Vehicle Master Plan.
For the first half of the week, I’ll be representing Yuba Water Agency at the Association of California Water Agencies (ACWA) Spring Conference in Monterey. I’ll arrive early to participate in the ACWA JPIA board meeting on Monday, and I will leave on Wednesday to head to Butte County for a Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC) tour and board meeting on Thursday and Friday. The RCRC board meets every other month, and it’s customary to hold one of those meetings in the chair’s home county. This year, the RCRC chair is Butte County Supervisor Doug Teeter. In conjunction with the RCRC board meeting on Friday morning, I’ll also represent Yuba County at board meetings for the RCRC-affiliated organizations Golden State Finance Authority (GSFA) and Golden State Connect Authority (GSCA).
In addition to the Board of Supervisors meeting, I’ll participate in several other meetings remotely while in Monterey, including a National Association of Counties Broadband Mapping Working Group and agenda review for the Yuba Water Agency. There is also a Wheatland City Council Meeting this week that I’m unable to attend, but here is the agenda.
*Picture is a collage of various things from my week: Picture with members of the Yuba City and Marysville City council at the LEADership Yuba Sutter Farm to Fork dinner in Marysville, celebrating the release of irrigation water with NYWD, downtown Marysville decked out for the LEADership Yuba Sutter dinner, Hanger Food Truck Park Cinco de Maya selfie, Plumas Lake & Wheatland Little League Sponsorships, Blue Dot, Lunch with William Franco, National Day of Prayer Breakfast, and a beautiful morning in the Yuba County foothills.
Thank you for allowing me to serve you!