My Recent Activities
Tuesday was a Yuba Water Agency board of directors meeting. The agenda contained multiple significant items, including approval of grants and/or loans for a total amount up to $3.6 million under the Community Impact Grant Program, approval of emergency contract actions to repair the South Canal crossing at Ostrom Road ($2.9M), and approval of a budget of $39.46M for construction of the new Power System Headquarters in Oregon House.
Two significant Yuba Water Agency events also occurred on Tuesday. First, a press conference with Governor Newsom to announce a framework agreement between Yuba Water Agency and state and federal agencies for one of California’s most ambitious watershed recovery efforts, which will include a unique project to help salmon, and other threatened fish get around Daguerre Point Dam in the lower Yuba River and safeguard water supplies from the Yuba River for decades to come. Second, an MOU signing to bring cutting-edge research to Yuba County, thanks to a new partnership formed by Yuba Water Agency, the City of Wheatland, and the UC Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society (CITRIS).
Additional board meetings included a Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) meeting where the agenda included approval of the awards for the 22/23 funding round. Over $24M was awarded to the Yuba-Sutter region, and you can read more about the specifics in this Appeal–Democrat article. Speaking of transportation, I met with Yuba County Public Works and the Caltrans District 3 Safety Leadership to discuss potential safety improvements on Hwy 65 both north and south of Wheatland. As a result of the input I’ve received from the community and our meeting, they are investigating the funding and feasibility of the following safety improvements: Flashing warning signs entering town from both sides warning of congestion/stopped traffic (at times when it exists); Preventing left turns from NB Oakley to NB 65 and NB 65 to SB Oakley; and Investigating whether a signal is warranted at Hwy 65 & Dairy.
I also attended a SACOG lunchtime presentation on the Yolo Managed Lanes Project, a Yuba County Strategic Plan Ad Hoc Committee meeting, a Yuba Water Agency chair/vice-chair breakfast, a meeting to introduce Hard Rock leadership to the North Valley Rail project, had coffee with OPUD Director Lacey Nelson, and participated in a Yuba Water Agency Forest Health Tour.
The Community events I attended include the 97th Annual Sacramento Host Breakfast, Third Thursday at River Highlands Ranch in Smartsville, the Beale Bash, and the 99th Annual Wheatland Pet Parade.
Looking ahead to this week
Tuesday is a Yuba County Board of Supervisors Meeting. A few highlights from the agenda include: Reappoint Terri Lindsey to Plumas Lake Specific Plan Design Review Committee; Approve Child Care Planning Council of Yuba and Sutter Counties Local Planning Council County Priorities Report; Award contract for the County Service Area Grading Project; Present proclamations to 2022 Peace Officer of the Year Miles Lewis, and Probation Officer of the Year Kevin Bisby; Receive Yuba County Grand Jury update; and Adopt resolution approving a proposed list of Fiscal Year 2023-2024 projects funded by Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Account (RMRA) portion of SB1. (aka Gas Tax).
Additional items on my calendar include: a Yuba Water Agency Foothills Community Meeting, a Yuba County Public Works Corp Yard Grand Opening, a Northern California Water Association (NCWA) Conservation Task Force meeting, a SACOG Land Use & Natural Resources committee agenda review meeting, a National Association of Counties (NACo) Telecommunications and Technology Policy Steering Committee meeting, a Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC) Legislative Call-in session, and a Yuba County Community Health Improvement Plan meeting to talk about Safe Neighborhoods and Built Environments. I’m excited to spend Thursday morning at McKenny Intermediate School Career Day discussing what an Elected Official/County Supervisor does. Tuesday night is a Wheatland City Council Meeting.
*Picture is a collage of various things from my week: Plumas Lake Picnic in the Park; Yuba County rice field sunset; Third Thursday at Highlands Ranh in Smartsville; Pictures (3) of the Press conference with the governor at Daguerre Point Dam on the lower Yuba River; Representatives from UC CITRIS, City of Wheatland, Yuba Water, and AKT at the MOU signing for a research center in Wheatland; giving comments at the MOU signing; 99th Annual Wheatland Pet Parade; Yuba-Sutter delegation at monthly SACOG meeting; Coffee with OPUD Director Lacey Nelson; New Bullards Bar spilling, rice field seeding; and Daguerre Point Dam.
Thank you for allowing me to serve you!