My Recent Activities
Tuesday was a Yuba County Board of Supervisors Meeting. A few highlights from the agenda included: awarding a contract for the County Service Area Grading Project; presenting proclamations to 2022 Peace Officer of the Year Miles Lewis, and Probation Officer of the Year Kevin Bisby; adopting a resolution approving the expansion of the service area of the Yuba County Business Façade Grant Program to commercial corridors of Olivehurst; awarding a contract for the Cedar Lane Safe Routes to School Improvements Project; and adopting a resolution approving a proposed list of Fiscal Year 2023-2024 projects funded by Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Account (RMRA) portion of SB1. (aka Gas Tax). Thanks to Live Streaming Yuba-Sutter, you can watch a meeting recording if interested.
Additional meetings that I attended included a Yuba Water Agency Foothills Community Meeting, a Yuba County Public Works Corp Yard Grand Opening, a SACOG Land Use & Natural Resources (LUNR) committee agenda review meeting, a National Association of Counties (NACo) Telecommunications and Technology Policy Steering Committee meeting, and a Yuba County Community Health Improvement Plan meeting to talk about Safe Neighborhoods and Built Environments. Tuesday night was a Wheatland City Council Meeting.
With respect to community involvement and engagement, I participated in several great events this week including: discussing what an Elected Official/County Supervisor does at McKenney Intermediate School’s Career Day; helping place flags and crosses on veteran’s graves at Wheatland Cemetary for Memorial Day; and sponsoring and attending The Event (aka Tyler Rich Concert) at Hard Rock, a fundraiser for the Enterprise Community Fund.
Looking ahead to this week
Tuesday is the 5th Tuesday of the month, and usually, there isn’t a Board of Supervisors or a Yuba Water Agency meeting on a 5th Tuesday. However, there is a special Yuba Water Agency meeting scheduled for 9am at the Yuba Water Offices on F St. The agenda contains to presentations to the board, one on the Lower Yuba River Accord and the other on the Resource Planning Division.
Unfortunately, I will miss that meeting as I’ll be out of town attending the Congress for New Urbanism (CNU) conference. SACOG suggested I attend due to my position as chair of the SACOG Land Use and Natural Resources Committee. I look forward to learning more about new urbanism concepts like mixed-use, walkability, and placemaking. I believe these concepts are important to improving quality of life in our communities.
*Picture is a collage of various things from my week: Tyler Rich at Hard Rock (a fundraiser for the Enterprise Community Fund), me and my daughter assisting other community members in placing flags and crosses at Wheatland Cemetary for Memorial Day, McKenny Intermediate School Career Day, Board of Supervisor’s Presentation to the Yuba County Sheriff’s Deputy of the year and the Yuba County Probation Officer of the Year, Ribbon Cutting at the new Yuba County Public Works Corp Yard at the Airport, a Blue Zones inspired meal at the Brick in Historic Downtown Marysville, Memorial Day Flags along River Oaks Blvd in Plumas Lake, and Willie Whittlesey giving a presentation at a Yuba Water Agency Community meeting in the foothills.
Thank you for allowing me to serve you!