My Recent Activities
This week was a Yuba Water Agency board meeting with a light agenda. After the regular board meeting, we had a special board workshop focused on board development that included analyzing the strength development inventory of directors and executive staff. Later that afternoon, was a Three Rivers Levee Improvement Authority (TRLIA) meeting and a South Yuba Transportation Improvement Authority (SYTIA) board meeting. The TRLIA agenda included budget approval and the next step in the 500-year flood protection effort. The SYTIA agenda included updates on the East Wheatland Expressway and South Beale Rd Interchange projects. Both projects continue to move through the Project Study Report phase and should be ready to move to the environmental phase later this year or early next year. The other board meeting I had this week was Yuba LAFCO, and the agenda contains primarily administrative items.
Additional items on my calendar included a coffee meeting with a constituent, a meeting with Sheriff Anderson, the National Association of Counties (NACo) Broadband Mapping Working Group, lunch with the Yuba County assistant community development director, the Greater Sacramento Economic Council (GSEC) board retreat, and the Together We’re Better Golf Tournament to raise money for the United Way and other local charities.
Looking ahead to this week
Tuesday is a Board of Supervisors meeting, and there is a significant agenda which includes approval of the draft FY 23/24 budget, approval of ABC licenses for the Costco in Linda and the Chevron in Plumas Lake, a presentation from Yuba Sutter Arts & Culture, and the quarterly updated from our public safety departments. There is a Wheatland City Council meeting on Tuesday evening, and a few highlights from the agenda include an agreement with Bill Zenoni for City Manager Services, FY 23/24 budget, an MOU between the City and Bishops, and awarding a contract for the City of Wheatland 2023 Pavement Maintenance Projects. On Thursday, I’ll be attending the Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) monthly board meeting in Sacramento, and a few highlights from the agenda include authorizing an RFP for Trails Plan Implementation, review of the proposed strategy for federal Carbon Reduction Program funding for the six-county region, and a presentation on 2025 Blueprint Pathways: Transportation Assumptions and Evaluation. Thursday evening is an OPUD board meeting that I cannot attend due to a conflict.
Additional meetings and events on my calendar include a Yuba County Strategic Plan Ad Hoc committee meeting, a Yuba Wate Agency agenda review meeting, and a National Association of Counties (NACo) West Region meeting.
The 2025 Blueprint is the Sacramento region’s plan for building a thriving future and focuses on transportation, affordable housing, and equitable investments. I’ll be attending a SACOG Blueprint workshop event on June 16 at the Folsom Community Center, and you can also register to attend.
*Picture is a collage of various things from my week: Greater Sacramento Economic Council Board Retreat in Truckee, Together We’re Better Golf Tournament at Plumas Lake Country Club, Plumas Lake Picnic in the Park, sheep and goats reducing weeds in Plumas Lake, and the Plumas Lake Farmers Market (Tuesday & Friday near Walgreens).
Thank you for allowing me to serve you!