My Recent Activities
Tuesday was a Yuba Water Agency Board meeting, and a few highlights from the agenda included the FY 23/24 Budget and approval of additional funding to send all 4th graders in Plumas Lake & Wheatland on The South Yuba River Citizens League Salmon Expedition tours this fall on the lower Yuba River.
Additional meetings on my calendar included a meeting with Enterprise Rancheria, Hard Rock, and the US National Whitewater Center to talk about the potential of a location here in Yuba County; a Northern California Water Association (NCWA) Executive Committee meeting; a National Association of Counties (NACo) Telecommunications and Technology (T&T) Policy Steering Committee Meeting; a planning meeting for the SACOG board meeting that will be held here in Yuba County in August; a CERF collaborative meeting; a follow-up with Caltrans District 3 on Highway 65 safety concerns; a Central Valley Rail Working Group meeting; and a Clean Air Partnership luncheon in Davis with the director of the UC Davis Institute of Transportation Studies on transforming transportation.
The Yuba-Sutter Fair started on the 22nd and I attended a kick-off event. I also attended a retirement reception for Yuba County Superintendent of Schools Francisco Reveles, an OPUD ribbon cutting for Riverside Meadows Park in Plumas Lake, and a Yuba Sutter Chamber of Commerce double ribbon cutting for Legacy Lending / Sahota, Bracket & Associates.
Looking ahead to this week
Tuesday is a Board of Supervisors meeting and a few highlights from the agenda include a development agreement for the Riverside Meadows subdivision in Plumas Lake, an ABC license for Frenchtown Inn in Oregon House, an updated landscape management contract with Elite Services, a cash-flow loan from Yuba Water Agency for the annual CalPERS unfunded liability payment, some budget amendments, and appointment of community members to various boards/commissions. Tuesday evening is a Wheatland City Council meeting. The agenda includes this year’s SB-1 (gas tax) project list, an MOU between the City and Bishop’s Pumpkin Farm, and an agreement between the City and Wheatland High School for a School Resource Officer.
Additional meetings on my calendar include a NACo Broadband Mapping Working Group, Coffee Caucus with supervisors from other counties, a webinar on artificial intelligence in local government, a call with the NACo Telecommunications & Technology committee lead staff to discuss a policy resolution proposed by Yuba County, a meeting and tour with Cresleigh in Rocklin to discuss multi-family projects and density, a Rural County Representatives Legislative call-in session, and a meeting with Enterprise Rancheria to discuss the North Valley Rail Project and the benefit to Hard Rock and the Sports & Entertainment Zone. I’m also attending a change of command ceremony at Beale AFB and a retirement open house for Keith Martin of Yuba-Sutter Transit.
*Picture is a collage of various things from my week: Attending a Marysville Drakes game with Supervisor Flores, the Yuba-Sutter Fair Kickoff event, Ribbon Cutting for Riverside Meadows Park in Plumas Lake with the OPUD Board of Directors, meeting at Caltrans to discuss Hwy 65 safety improvements, and Yuba Sutter Chamber of Commerce Business Connection Breakfast.
Thank you for allowing me to serve you!