My Recent Activities
It’s been three weeks since I’ve posted one of these weekly updates. That is because I started having some medical issues the week of 10/23 and ended up spending some time in the hospital and then a few days recovering once I was home before slowly resuming regular activities. The good news is that I’m feeling fine now. The bad news is that I don’t have a lot to report from the week of 10/23, although I did attend the 10/24 Board of Supervisors meeting (agenda) via Zoom. After taking it easy for a few days, I did attend multiple meetings the week of 10/30 including a Northern California Water Association (NCWA) board meeting in Roseville along with a tour of a groundwater recharge well in the City, an agenda review meeting for Yuba Water Agency, a Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) Land Use and Natural Resources (LUNR) Committee meeting (agenda), a town hall meeting in Lincoln hosted by Supervisor Landon (Placer) to talk about traffic mitigation efforts in south Placer County, a Yuba-Sutter Economic Development Corporation (YSEDC) Board meeting, and a discussion with Yuba County Public works about a meeting they had with Union Pacific Railroad about Links Parkway crossing the tracks between Wheeler Ranch Phase 1 & Phase 2. I attended the town hall with Supervisor Landon because so many of my constituents are impacted by traffic on Hwy 65 in Placer County and I wanted to ensure I was aware of efforts they are taking to address the congestion.
This week was a Yuba Water Agency Board Meeting and you can find the agenda here. Key items on the agenda included a grant to RD10 for levee work and a loan to the south member units for Ostrom Rd associated with the sinkhole caused by the south canal. I was not able to attend the meeting as I was out of town attending the Association of Defense Communities (ADC) Installation Innovation Conference. I attended with representatives from Beale AFB, Yuba County, and Yuba Water Agency, and we learned how bases and communities can increase partnerships and how we can support Beale’s mission as well as our local airmen, guardians, and their families.
Additional meetings on my calendar included: a joint SACOG Board of Directors meeting with SMUD, Sacramento Regional Transit, and the Sac Metro Air Quality District to discuss opportunities for collaboration; a Yuba Water Agency POD committee to discuss minor changes to our community impact grant program; a Yuba Water Agency chair/vice-chair/general manager meeting, and an informal coffee caucus zoom meeting to touch base with other county supervisors.
Community-related events I attended or participated in during this period included the Pinktober event at Hard Rock, a Meet & Greet in Wheatland, the Salvation Army Red Kettle Kick-off, the Yuba Sutter Veterans Parade, and a ceremony at the State Capitol honoring veterans from around the Sacramento region.
Looking ahead to this week
This week is a Yuba County Board of Supervisors meeting on Tuesday at 9 am (agenda). There are several items on the agenda that I think the public will be most interested in, including: adopting a resolution approving the creation of a Yuba County Yes to Start-Ups program in partnership with California Capital Financial Development Corporation (CA Capital) and Sacramento Valley Small Business Development Center, approve the sale of tax-defaulted properties at public auction, approve a memorandum of understanding with San Joaquin District Attorney for assistance with a habeas case, approve amendment No. 1 to an agreement with R&F Engineering Inc. for Star Bend Sediment Removal project, Adopt a resolution authorizing the filing and execution of applications to Bureau of Land Management (BLM) for land patent and lease of Hammon Grove and Yuba Goldfields, and Hold public hearing, waive first reading, and introduce Ordinance creating Chapter 2.41 of the Yuba County Ordinance Code, establishing the Office of the County Hearing Officer.
Additional meetings on my calendar include: a Capital Region CEFT Collaborative Research Presentation, a steering committee meeting for the Yuba-Sutter Blue Zones project, a WUHSD CTE Advisory meeting, a NACo Telecommunications & Technology Policy Steering Committee Meeting, a tobacco education (CHAT) meeting, agenda review for the Yuba Water Agency, the Mountain Counties Water Resources Association (MCWRA) Fall Water Forum, a Hard Rock Development update, and a meeting to discuss funding for EV charging.
Community-related events I plan to attend or participate in this week include a Salmon Expedition on the Yuba River with Bear River School and a ribbon cutting for the Highway 70 Safety and Passing Lanes Project.
- Upcoming Event: Whiskey & Wild Game – Indulge in the perfect combination of whiskey and wild game while supporting Supervisor Bradford’s re-election campaign. Get tickets at
*Picture is a collage of various things from my week: Joint board meeting with SACOG, SMUD, SAC RT, and Sac Metro Air District; Special guest at the Wheatland Meet & Greet; Salvation Army Red Kettle Event; Halloween Celebration in Plumas Lake; Yuba Sutter Veteran’s Day Parade; Ceremony Honoring Veterans at the State Capitol; Team Beale at the Association of Defense Communities Conference; Welcoming Blue Tulip Coffee to Plumas Lake; Wheatland Meet & Greet; selfie with Roseville City Councilmember while touring a groundwater recharge well as part of an NCWA board meeting; attending a town hall in Lincoln hosted by Supervisor Landon about traffic relieve plans in south Placer County; and getting to meet the Lakota Women Warriors at Hard Rock along with Col Church and Chief Oliver.
Thank you for allowing me to serve you!