My Recent Activities
This week was a Yuba County Board of Supervisors meeting. The agenda contained several items of particular interest to District 4 residents including: Agreements between Hard Rock, Live Nation, and the Yuba County Sheriff’s Department for supplemental law enforcement at the casino and amphitheater; an amendment to the agreement with Wood Rodgers, Inc. for the Plumas Lake Boulevard/SR 70 Interchange Phase II Project; and approval of plans, specifications, and estimate for the Plumas Lake Bike Path Project, and authorize advertisement of bids. We also voted on chair and vice chair for 2024. Supervisor Blaser will serve as chair, and Supervisor Fuhrer will serve as vice chair. There was a Wheatland City Council meeting on Tuesday evening and you can find the agenda here.
Additional meetings on my calendar this week included: a CERF Sub Regional (Yuba-Sutter) Roundtable meeting to provide a space for community discussion about Yuba-Sutter’s job economy, and will also feature Valley Vision’s presentation on preliminary research of Yuba-Sutter’s economic analysis; a SACOG Transportation Committee (agenda) to discuss the creation of a regional tolling authority; a meeting to discuss pedestrian safety in the Sports & Entertainment Zone; a Yuba Water Agency agenda review; a meeting with the Sheridan Municipal Advisory Council (MAC) to update them on the East Wheatland Expressway project; a tour of the Pottery World factory in Wheatland; and a meeting regarding the upcoming Cap-to-Cap trip. You can find the presentation on the East Wheatland Expressway here.
On Saturday morning, I was honored to participate in the 25th annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Community event. The event occurs the Saturday before MLK Jr day and includes a march from Yuba City across the 5th St Bridge to Marysville and a program to remember and honor Dr. King after the march. The event focused on love and unity and I shared one of my favorite quotes from MLK Jr, which is “I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. That is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant.”.
Looking ahead to this week
This week is a Yuba Water Agency Board of Directors meeting (agenda). Several other board meetings on my calendar include a Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC) board meeting on Wednesday (agenda) and a Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) board meeting on Thursday. The SACOG agenda includes the establishment of a Regional Tolling Authority to oversee toll lanes planned for the Yolo Causeway and other regional freeways. There is a Yuba County Planning Commission meeting on Wednesday (agenda) and an OPUD meeting on Thursday evening (agenda).
Additional meetings on my calendar this week include: a meeting with the clerk-recorder to talk about the upcoming election, a touch base lunch with Yuba County community development, a Yuba-Sutter Economic Development Corporation executive committee, a few meetings with Hard Rock, and a Northern California Water Association (NCWA) board meeting to discuss strategic priorities for 2024. I also have NACo Telecommunications and Technology and NACo Rural Action Caucus meetings, but they conflict with RCRC and SACOG and I’ll be unable to attend.
- Yuba County is looking for community input on our Local Road Safety Plan; learn more at
*Picture is a collage of various things from my week: Touring the Pottery World factory in Wheatland, a collage from the Yuba Sutter MLK Jr Event, the “new” Algodon Rd in Plumas Lake, a presentation on the East Wheatland Expressway at a Sheridan Community Meeting (MAC), a collage of Yuba-Sutter Law Enforcement in honor of Law Enforcement Appreciation Day, and a new fence added to a court in east Plumas Lake after requests from residents.
Thank you for allowing me to serve you!