My Recent Activities
Tuesday was a Yuba Water Agency Board of Directors meeting. The agenda was fairly short and included a review of the financial statements from January and a review of the Energy Risk Management Annual Report for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2023. I also had a SACOG board meeting this week (agenda) that was held in Yolo County at the California Ag Museum in Woodland. Before the meeting, board members had an opportunity to tour a few locations in the area including the AgTech Incubator Lab, an affordable housing project, and, the Center for Land Based Learning. We also received a presentation on the Yolo Active Transportation Plan.
Additional meetings on my calendar included Cap-to-Cap Flood Protection Team & Transportation TeamKick-off meetings, a meeting with SACOG planning staff to update them on the development of the Sports & Entertainment Zone and south Yuba County, a Yuba Water Agency non-profit steering committee meeting, and a monthly NACo Telecommunications and Technology policy steering committee meeting. I attended the monthly OPUD Board of Directors meeting (agenda). They approved the proposed design recommendations for modifications to lift station 14 at River Oaks and Zanes in Plumas Lake to address the smell. They also approved a contractor with a new company to do park maintenance; it’s the same company the County uses to do landscape maintenance in Plumas Lake and other areas.
On Thursday, I joined with several other members of my Rotary Club (South Yuba County Sunrise Rotary) to volunteer at the Yuba Sutter Foodbank giveaway at Wheatland High School. Over the weekend, I attended Luke Days Air Show at Luke AFB with BLMC. We attended at the invite of the next commander for Beale AFB; Colonel McLeese and it was an opportunity to meet with him as well as the civic organization that supports Luke AFB.
On Wednesday evening, I had a re-election celebration reception at Neva’s Place Speakeasy in Marysville. Thank you to everyone, including constituents, local elected officials, and community leaders, who came. Your support is greatly appreciated and I’m honored to serve you, and serve with you for another four years. Special thanks to Stuart Gilchrist for hosting and Ashley Cummings for setting up and serving drinks; plus Marc Perrault, Michele Perrault, Jen Bradford, and Patty Forget for the great food. Also, to the families that contributed to the amazing gift basket.
Looking ahead to this week
This Tuesday is a Yuba County Board of Supervisors meeting. The agenda has several items the public might be interested in, including:
- Approve the release of a request for proposals to develop the Broadband Master Environmental Impact Report
- Approve agreement with Fehr & Peers, for professional engineering services for the Yuba Sutter Regional Safety Action Plan Project
- Adopt a resolution authorizing the Treasurer/Tax Collector or Treasury/Tax Manager to approve agreements with Heartland Payment Systems, and Authorize.Net, for credit card processing for park reservations at Sycamore Ranch and Hammon Grove.
There is a Wheatland City Council meeting on Tuesday evening and the agenda includes a few presentations that City residents might be interested in, including:
- Status Report on Wheatland 150th Anniversary Celebration Activities
- Police Department 2023 Annual Report
- Wheatland Fire Authority 2023 Annual Report
All day on Wednesday, Yuba Water Agency is hosting board training for all elected officials in Yuba County. Sessions include: (1) Brown Act, Best Board Practices and Fair Political Practices Commission Training; (2) Ethics Training (required bi-annually per AB 1234); and Anti-Harassment Training (required bi-annually per AB 1825).
Additional meetings on my calendar include Yuba Water Agency agenda review, a Yuba Water chair/vice-chair breakfast, and an RCRC Legislative call-in session.
- None
*Picture is a collage of various things from my week: A few pictures from my re-election celebration, SACOG board meeting in Yolo County, volunteering with my Rotary Club for a foodbank distribution at Wheatland High, and the Thunderbirds in the background at Luke AFB.
Thank you for allowing me to serve you!