My Recent Activities
Tuesday was a Yuba Water Agency Board of Directors meeting. The agenda had several items the public might be interested in, including:
- Review the status of actions for extending the Yuba River Accord to December 31, 2050, and consider approving the General Manager’s filing of a water-right change petition with the State Water Resources Control Board for the Accord extension and authorizing payment of the $103,000 in filing fees for the petition.
- Consider a request by the North Yuba Water District for an increase of $865,410 in the amount of the Canal Stabilization and Water Loss Mitigation Grant approved on December 19, 2023, to enable NYWD to make emergency repairs on five of the most critical areas.
There were OPUD committee meetings last with interest to Plumas Lake residents including a water/wastewater committee (agenda) a park committee (agenda). I was unable to attend the OPUD committee meetings, and a SACOG Transporation Committee meeting (agenda), as I went to Joint Base San Antonio with BMLC to learn more about the mission of the 16th Air Force and how we can best support Beale AFB and our local airmen. I learned a lot about the Information Warfare mission of the 16th Air Force and how Beale AFB fits in. It was also great to see the Basic Military Training graduation of 571 new airmen and tour the Air Force’s facilities to prepare those recruits to serve our nation.
Before leaving for San Antonio, I had several things on my calendar, including a meeting with Blue Zones to talk about their Corner Market Program, a SACOG Transportation Committee agenda review, and a Yes to Startups event where Yuba County entrepreneurs will pitch their business in our local version of Shark Tank.
Looking ahead to this week
This Tuesday is a Board of Supervisors meeting. The agenda has several items the public might be interested in, including:
- Appoint Richard H. Webb to Yuba County Planning Commission as District 1 Representative
- Receive Quarterly Development Update from Community Development and Services.
- Accept certification of Clerk-Recorder/Registrar of Voters results of the canvass of the March 5, 2024, Presidential Primary Election and Statement of Vote.
- Adopt a resolution authorizing the availability of remote teleconferences to Board of Supervisors Meetings with guidelines.
- Hold public hearing, waive first reading, and introduce Ordinance repealing and re-enacting the Yuba County Consolidated Fee Ordinance.
All day on Monday, I’ll be attending a Wildire and Biomass Bus tour hosted by the Clear Air Partnership (CAP). Also on my calendar is a CSAC Rural Action Caucus meeting and the Yuba County On the Horizon celebration.
On Friday, I’ll head to Washington DC for the annual Cap-to-Cap regional advocacy trip. I’ll be serving on the Transportation and Flood Protection teams and we’ll be meeting with regional congressional representatives and applicable federal agencies to advocate for key issues for the six-county Sacramento region.
Announcements & Events
- The Wheatland 150th Birthday Celebration on April 13th (see
- The Wheatland Shred Event will be April 27th at Settler’s Village from 9-12
- The Wheatland Pet Parade will be on May 11th
- The Plumas Lake Block Party will be held on August 17th
*Picture is a collage of various things from my week: Group shot at the Yuba County Yes to Startups Pitch Competition + multiple pictures from a trip to San Antonio: Major General Hensle, vice-commander of the 16th Air Force; partnering with Sutter County Supervisor Karm Bains on an MQ-9 training mission via simulator; trying out a virtual reality pilot training simulator; meeting a military working dog; hanging with Supervisor Bains at the River Walk.
Thank you for allowing me to serve you!