Week of 07/22/24

My Recent Activities

Tuesday was a Yuba County Board of Supervisors  meeting and the agenda had one item that I believe the public will be interested in:

  • Award contract for the Broadband Master Environmental Impact Report.

There was a Wheatland City Council meeting on Tuesday at 6 pm, and I attended as there are multiple items on the agenda I think the public will be interested in, including:

  • Beale Expressway Project Status Report.
  • Consideration and Adoption of Resolution Authorizing Execution of Agreements Between Olivehurst Public Utility District and City of Wheatland Regarding Provision of Regional Wastewater Treatment Services.
  • 2024 Traffic Management Plan for Bishop’s Pumpkin Farm Event
  • Consideration of Establishing a City of Wheatland Farmers’ Market
  • Multiple public hearings on developments

I spoke during public comment on the Beale Expressway item to thank the City for their partnership with the County on this project and re-iterate the importance of the project to support the mission of Beale AFB, reduce traffic on Hwy 65, and support housing and economic growth in both the City and the County.

I spent most of Wednesday in Sacramento for the Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC) board meeting, the Golden State Finance Authority (GSFA) board meeting, and the Golden State Connect Authority (GSCA) board meeting. I’m honored to serve as the Yuba County representative on those boards. You can find the agendas here: RCRC, GSFA, and GSCA.

My schedule was unusually light this week and included no community events.  However, in addition to the meetings listed above, I did participate in filing a wildfire preparedness PSA for RCRC.


Looking ahead to this week

Since this Tuesday is the 5th Tuesday of the month, there is no regular Yuba County Board of Supervisors or regular Yuba Water Agency board meeting.  There is a special Yuba Water closed session meeting to conduct a routine evaluation of the general manager.

I also have a monthly Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) Transportation Committee meeting on my calendar this week, and you can find the agenda here.  Two items of significant public interest are on the agenda, including:

  • Public Hearing: 2025 Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program, Amendment #1 to the 2023 Metropolitan Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy and Air Quality Conformity Analysis.
  • Transportation Project List Development for the 2025 Blueprint.

Additional meetings on my calendar this week include a SACOG Transportation Committee agenda review meeting, an agenda review for Yuba Water Agency, training for the public about local government and public comment at meetings, a meeting with MJUSD to discuss growth in south Yuba County, a Yuba Sutter Economic Development Corporation (YSEDC) board meeting,

I’m excited to have a table to talk about Yuba County at Yuba Water Agency at the Wheatland Union High School Community Resource fair from 3pm-7pm on Wednesday.  Those in Plumas Lake and Wheatland are invited to come by to learn more about the valuable services provided by your community organizations!  Discover healthcare, dental, and mental health services from local providers. Explore educational programs & support from the Yuba County Office of Education, as well as employment resources from Yuba County One Stop and Express Employment Professionals. Additionally, you can find out how to access essential services from the The Salvation Army Yuba Sutter Corps, Yuba-Sutter Transit, and the Yuba Sutter Food Bank.

Community-related events on my calendar this week include possibly attending “1st Friday” at Beale AFB.


Announcements & Events

  • Wheatland High Community Resource Fair, Wednesday, July 31st, 3p-7pm, in the north gym
  • Wheatland National Night Out will be held on August 6th, starting at 6pm, at Tom Abe Park
  • The Plumas Lake Block Party will be held on August 17th
  • Plumas Lake Walking Moai – Monday’s 6:30 am at Eufay Wood Park (north parking lot), except on Memorial Day when we will meet at Walgreens at 7 am.

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week: Agriculture in the heart of Plumas Lake, the Wheatland City Council meeting, and the Rural County Representatives of California board meeting.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!