Week of 07/08/24 & 07/15/24

My Recent Activities

I was out of town at a conference from the 11th-16th so this update covers two weeks.

Tuesday the 9th was a Yuba County Board of Supervisors  meeting, and the agenda had one item of significant interest:

  • Hold public hearing, waive second reading, and adopt Ordinance creating Chapter 8.110 of the Yuba County Ordinance Code relating to Yuba County Feather River Levee Setback Area.  At our meeting on 6/25, the board voted to introduce the ordinance and to establish an ad-hoc committee to explore opportunities for OHV access at the Goldfields and/or the Feather River Setback area. If the board approves the ordinance at our meeting on 7/9, it will take effect 30 days later—Ordinance & Staff Report link.

Tuesday the 16th was a Yuba Water Agency Board of Directors meeting.  I was out of town at a conference and unable to attend, but the agenda contained several items of likely public interest:

  • Approve up to $5 million in expenditures to advance the remaining anticipated costs to bring the South County Infrastructure Project, Phase 1 (Wheatland to Olivehurst Public Utility District connection) to construction ready, including: 1) Up to $2,376,000 to the Olivehurst Public Utility District for additional design engineering and right of way appraisal and acquisition tasks; 2) Up to $1,397,000 to the City of Wheatland for design engineering and environmental permitting; and 3) Up to $1,227,000 for other direct consulting costs to Yuba Water Agency.
  • Consider a request from Yuba County Office of Emergency Services for a Bill Shaw grant in the amount of $7,500 for a project to upgrade the PA system in the Main Exhibit Hall at the Yuba Sutter Fairgrounds.
  • onsider a request from Yuba County Probation for a Bill Shaw grant in the amount of $18,500 for fifty Yuba County 1st Responders to attend a two-day conference to provide education mental health tools and resources for agencies, and first responders.
  • Receive update on the progress to form a non-profit organization for the purposes of education and research in Yuba County and approve the submission of appropriate documentation for its registration.

There was a Wheatland City Council meeting on the 9th (the agenda is here) and an OPUD board meeting on the 18th (the agenda is here).

On Monday the 8th I was at Beale AFB all day with fellow SACOG board members for a tour to increase awareness about the importance of the base for our national security and regional economy.  There are multiple housing, transportation, and economic development projects on the table in south Yuba County that will support Beale’s mission, and we want to ensure SACOG representatives (as the regional land use and transportation planning agency) are aware of their importance to the base, our region, and our nation.

Additional meetings on my calendar these two weeks included a meeting to provide feedback on the work of Valley Vision, a tour of the Goldfields with 530 Recovery and Supervisor Messick to talk about a potential OHV park, a Northern California Water Association (NCWA) Board Meeting, a Yuba Water Agency agenda review meeting, a Yuba Sutter Economic Development Corporation (YSEDC) Executive Committee meeting, and a monthly chair/vice-chair meeting with the Yuba Water General manager.

From Thursday the 11th through Tuesday the 16th, I was in Tampa representing Yuba County at the  National Association of Counties (NACo) annual meeting.  Some of the sessions I attended included the transportation policy committee, the telecommunications and technology policy committee, the Rural Action Caucus, the California Caucus, several general sessions, a workshop on fostering civility in public disclosure, a session about current global trends across western democracies, a NACo business meeting, and several networkworking events.  NACo installed Sonoma County Supervisor James Gore as our president for the next year, and Supervisor Gore announced his leadership appointments.  I’m honored to receive a presidential appointment to chair the Transportation Policy Committee, Highway/Highway Safety Subcommittee.

I attended community-related meetings and events these weeks, including a Chamber of Commerce Ribbon Cutting for City Cafe on Plumas St in Yuba City, the Peach Festival Pub Crawl, the Peach Festival 5k, and the Peach Festival itself.


Looking ahead to this week

This Tuesday is a Yuba County Board of Supervisors  meeting and the agenda has one item that I believe the public will be interested in:

  • Award contract for the Broadband Master Environmental Impact Report.

There is a Wheatland City Council meeting on Tuesday at 6 pm, and I plan to attend as there are multiple items on the agenda I think the public will be interested in, including:

  • Beale Expressway Project Status Report.
  • Consideration and Adoption of Resolution Authorizing Execution of Agreements Between Olivehurst Public Utility District and City of Wheatland Regarding Provision of Regional Wastewater Treatment Services.
  • 2024 Traffic Management Plan for Bishop’s Pumpkin Farm Event
  • Consideration of Establishing a City of Wheatland Farmers’ Market
  • Multiple public hearings on developments

I have a Yuba Water Agency agenda review on Wednesday afternoon.  Before that, I’ll spend most of the day down in Sacramento for the Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC) board meeting, the Golden State Finance Authority (GSFA) board meeting, and the Golden State Connect Authority (GSCA) board meeting.  I’m honored to serve as the Yuba County representative on those boards.  You can find the agendas here:  RCRC, GSFA, and GSCA.

There are not (yet) any community-related events on my calendar this week.


Announcements & Events

  • Wheatland National Night Out will be held on August 6th, starting at 6pm, at Tom Abe Park
  • The Plumas Lake Block Party will be held on August 17th
  • Plumas Lake Walking Moai – Monday’s 6:30 am at Eufay Wood Park (north parking lot), except on Memorial Day when we will meet at Walgreens at 7 am.

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week: SACOG tour of Beale AFB; multiple pictures from the National Association of Counties (NACo) Annual Conference; and various pictures from the Marysville Peach Festival.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!