OUR ACCOMPLISHMENTS – First 3 Years in Office
Road Repair
- Record Number of Road Repairs Completed in 2019 — 70+ Miles!
- Algodon Rd
- Broadway St
- Country Club Rd
- Erle Rd (Virginia Rd to 1.3 miles east)
- McGowan Pkwy (Arboga to RR tracks)
- Plumas-Arboga Rd (Algodon to 1.58 miles north)
- Warehouse Rd
- Countywide it’s 70 miles of total pavement overlay this year!
- Arrows painted at Round-about in Wheeler Ranch
- Crosswalk painted at River Oaks & Hidden Creek
- Planned for 2020: Feather River Blvd (Algodon to Ella) and Ostrom Rd
- Other Road Repairs completed:
- Blackford Rd (0.4 miles)
- Camp Far West Rd (1.7 miles)
- Jasper Ln (3.7 miles)
- Plumas-Arboga (0.5 miles, Arboga Rd to RR Tracks)
- Feather River Boulevard
- Used a federal grant to improve safety and re-align three curves between Road 512 and Algodon Rd (west of Plumas Lake)
- New pavement from River Oaks to Algodon Rd (west of Plumas Lake)
- Olivehurst Avenue – pavement, sidewalk and drainage project
- North Beale Road – pavement, sidewalk and drainage project
- Formation of a Joint Powers Authority (JPA) between Yuba County and the City of Wheatland called the “South Yuba Transportation Improvement Authority” (SYTIA) to focus on three projects:
- Wheatland Bypass
- Hwy 65/South Beale Road Interchange
- Hwy 65/70 Connector Road (Phase two of Plumas Lake Blvd Interchange and connection of that interchange to the South Beale Rd Interchange via a new connector road)
- Approved $700,000 grant to Wheatland for water infrastructure replacement; saving households an average of $636 each in future costs; or almost $1300 each when combined with State funding!
- Loaned $55k to this new SYTIA to complete an impact fee study for these three projects
- Approved agreement between the County and the City of Wheatland for the County to provide building permit and code enforcement services to the City of Wheatland.
- Approved three Yuba Water Agency “Bill Shaw Grants” for special projects:
- $5k “Bill Shaw Grant” for Wheatland Fire Authoority to purchase equipment to create a swift water rescue team
- Approved a $10k Bill Shaw Grant for the Wheatland Fire Authority to replace outdated water/confined space rescue equipment
- $5k “Bill Shaw Grant” to the City of Wheatland for the purchase of 7 threat level III ballistic protection vests
- Approved a $500,000 cash-flow loan to the City of Wheatland to fund complete a Small Communities Flood Risk Reduction Study (once complete, costs will be reimbursed by the State)
- Approved updated MOU between the Enterprise Rancheria Tribe and OPUD which compensates Olivehurst Fire and Wheatland Fire Authority for emergency response impacts from the casino.
- $200k grant to RD2103 for emergency repair of an erosion site on the Bear River levee upstream of Hwy 65
Plumas Lake
- Approved additional revenue from the casino in “year one” to fund four additional deputies to patrol the unincorporated area nearby the casino, including Plumas Lake
- Approved updated MOU between the Enterprise Rancheria Tribe and OPUD which compensates Olivehurst Fire and Wheatland Fire Authority for emergency response impacts from the casino.
- Approved $5k Yuba Water Agency “Bill Shaw Grant” to Linda Fire for equipment to create a swift water rescue team
- Continuously advocating for residents with code enforcement and weed abatement
- Facilitated meeting between County staff and residents along Algodon Rd
- Facilitated public safety community meeting with Plumas Lake residents, Sheriff Anderson, and CHP
- Provided a $35k grant to RD784 & RD817 to develop a basin plan for the area protected by the horseshoe levee east of Plumas Lake
- Indirect Accomplishment — New Gas Station Opened in Plumas Lake!
- Worked with Facebook to ensure Plumas Lake defined as a city
- Filed a request, and most recently an appeal, with the United States Post Office to get Plumas Lake its own ZIP code
Camp Far West
- Utilized FEMA/CalEOS to fund nearly 94% of the grading and gravel work needed on Camp Far West Rd, Long Ravine Rd, Spenceville Rd, and Waldo Rd north of Camp Far West Lake as a result of 2017 storm damage
- Utilized FEMA/CalEOS to fund near 94% of grading and gavel work needed on various CSA 14 roads north of Camp Far West Lake.
- The County and I worked with community members in the CSA 14 area north of Camp Far West to put together a proposal for residents to vote on an increased assessment to increase the maintenance of their roads (maintenance of roads in the CSA 14 area is funded 100% from resident assessments). I organized a community meeting with public works to answer questions about the assessment from the public. The assessment passed
Gold Village (northeast corner of District 4)
- The County, acting on behalf of the defunct “River Highlands CSD,” purchased the land where Gold Village water/wastewater infrastructure is located (it was privately held). This secured future availability of infrastructure for residents
- Utilize state grant funds to double the water storage capacity
Economic Development
- I’ve been a strong supporter of the Hard Rock Casino project which is now coming to fruition, providing almost 2000 construction jobs and will provide over 1200 permanent jobs. This project will be a catalyst for additional development in the 900-acre Sports and Entertainment Zone near Hard Rock and Amphitheater
- Approved a $100k grant to OPUD to begin the annexation process and engineering study to get wastewater service to the Sports and Entertainment Zone along 40 Mile Rd and the Employment Village along Rancho Road
- Hired a consultant to put together a comprehensive Economic Development Strategy for Yuba County
- Established the Yuba-Sutter Tourism Improvement District
- Check out the new www.VisitYubaSutter.com site!
- Utilized a federal grant and private sector funds to construct a taxiway to businesses located on the east side of the Yuba County airport
Public Safety
- Worked with Sheriff Anderson to address retention and recruitment challenges at the Sheriff’s Department
- Established the “Bill Shaw Rescue Equipment & Training Grant” program which provides up to $5k annually to public safety organizations in Yuba County
- Approved $25,000 to the Yuba County Sheriff’s Department for purchase of a drone to assist with identifying illegal cannabis cultivation and investigate environmental crimes related to the illegal cultivation of cannabis
- Put Measure K before Yuba County voters for you to decide on a 1 cent sales tax increase to fund public safety and essential County services
- Learning from the lessons of the Oroville Dam spillway disaster in Butte County, we approved moving forward with design for a secondary spillway on New Bullards Bar in Yuba County. This will improve flood protection for Yuba County and Sutter County as well as enhance public safety by providing a “backup” spillway.
- Thinking outside the box to lower unfunded pension liability costs:
- Saved taxpayers over $600,000 in CalPERS interest charges over the last three years, by utilizing a 12 month lower interest loan from the Yuba Water Agency to pre-pay annual CalPERS unfunded liability
- Continued to increase the portion of the employer-share paid by Yuba County Employees
- Established a 115 trust to help pay future CalPERS unfunded liability
- Entered into an agreement with the Regional Housing Authority to develop the Cedar Lane Affordable Housing Project in West Linda
- Conducted an exhaustive review and penned a new contract with Recology Yuba-Sutter for waste collection services that resulted in a significant reduction in service charges for mid and large sized can trash service in urban and suburban areas of the County
- Entered into a partnership with the “Blue Forest Program” to perform innovative Forest Management in the North Yuba River watershed
- Approved moving forward with designing a “Watershed Experience Center” along the Yuba River that will educate youth on all aspects of the Yuba River Watershed and create a passion for learning and careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM.)
- Joined with Sutter County, Marysville, Wheatland, Yuba City, and Live Oak to create the joint Homeless Services Authority
- Continued to operate our “14 Forward” program and received an Innovation Award for the project from the California State Association of Counties. The program is transitional housing with wrap-around services. The program has been very successful and multiple jurisdictions from around California, and throughout the country, have come to tour the site and learn about the program
- UPDATE: Our recently completed 2019 “point-in-time homeless count” revealed a slight decrease in the Yuba-Sutter homeless population. We are one of only a few jurisdictions in the country to see a decrease, with many other areas seeing increases of more than 40%!